Fleabag Wiki

The Priest is a main character in the second series of Fleabag. He is portrayed by Andrew Scott.


  • When asked by Fleabag if his parents "get on", he said no. When she asks him if he was close with his mother, he replies saying, "Not really." He also says, at the dinner party, that his parents were alcoholics.
  • He went to Rome to get a plum-coloured priests' robe, two years before he was even allowed to wear it.
  • He admits to having made a lot of sacrifices for constructing his life around faith as a priest.
  • He likes challenging his faith even though he is troubled by doubts at the same time.
  • He was, at some point, in a monastery.
  • He has a "thing" with foxes. They seem to follow him and show up in his life at odd or unlikely moments.
  • He is fond of Winnie the Pooh stories.


He is charismatic with a blunt personality. He often swears and jokes - unlike the "typical priest". He likes helping people with their troubles, even to the point that it comes as a default. Despite being charming, he claims he has no friends, and that he spends his time reading.

Physical Description[]

The Priest is an attractive man, in his late thirties or early forties, with dark brown hair.


“I was taught if we’re born with love then life is about choosing the right place to put it. People talk about that a lot, feeling right, when it feels right it’s easy. But I’m not sure that’s true. It takes strength to know what’s right. And love isn’t something that weak people do.”

Fleabag: "I love you." The Priest: "It will pass..."

"Celibacy is a lot less complicated than romantic relationships."

"Here’s to peace. And those who get in the way of it."

Throughout the Series[]

The Priest is introduced as the man who will officiate the wedding of Dad and Godmother. They invite him to dine with the family to get to know them. He surprises everyone with his swearing, drinking, and bluntness. Many are amused by him, particularly Fleabag.

He gives Fleabag his address if she ever wants someone to talk to, and tells her to swing by anytime. She takes him up on the offer and they have gin and tonics and start to build a flirty friendship. There is a lot of sexual tension between The Priest and Fleabag. However, he is a Catholic priest and he is not allowed to have sexual or romantic relationships. He tells her up front that "they will never have sex", and that he has had many similar flirty relationships that have not gone anywhere.

He asks about her "sins" and her past. Fleabag opens up to him and tells him a bit about her life. He doesn't judge, but just supports her. As they kiss feverishly in the confessional at church, a picture frame abruptly falls off the wall and he takes it as a sign from God and runs away.

Later on, he shows up at Fleabag's flat, and they end up having sex. Later they see each other at the wedding of Dad and Godmother. At the end of the wedding, Fleabag tells him that she loves him and he tells her he loves her back- but his big love in life is God so they can't be together.


Season 2[]

